This editorial goes hand in hand with the branding I created 'Capitalism's Favourite Child'. This piece specifically is called The Shadow of Fashion, as a partnership with Fashion Revolution - a take on the truth behind Fast Fashion.
In 2015, textile production created more greenhouse gases than international flight combined. Compared to 20 years ago, individuals are keeping what they buy for half as long. Fast Fashion is hurting the planet, taking absurd amounts of resources and causing pollution due to the toxic chemicals involved in manufacturing fabrics. It is also hurting many garment makers that live in poverty under unsafe labour measures within these factories.
Consequently, capitalism generates a desire for constantly having new things and always wanting more, which results in people never feeling satisfied. - Things stopped being as long lasting as before, creating a constant demand.
This has also an impact on people's mental health. Some may feel as the peer pressure imposed by society has left them lacking self-esteem, ending up looking for acceptance from others.
We can't really fully stop this big industry corporations, but we can definitely find alternatives to the part that is hurting our world, our mental health and give garment workers a better working and balanced life.